Drexel "HOOKED ON" supporting the CMFDL Shanty Town - Drexel Building Supply

Drexel “HOOKED ON” supporting the CMFDL Shanty Town

Children’s Museum of FDL – Appreciation Event

The Children’s Museum of Fond Du Lac, WI hosted an appreciation night for all of its sponsors. The evening revolved around their newest outdoor space, which focuses on Fond Du Lac’s very own “Backyard”.  It includes a Shanty Town, Trike Track, Garden, and Picnic Area.

“Building” the Idea into Reality

Several local home builders from Fond Du Lac donated their time to design and build the different “Shanty’s” featured within the outdoor space, and as their supplier and partner Drexel Building Supply was honored to donate materials for several of the structures that are now the highlights of this outdoor experience.

Team Member & Designer Kevin Soyk, along with his wife Jess and son Fletcher attended the event last night on behalf of the Drexel Team. Kevin worked alongside a local builder to design the Shanty featured in several of these photographs. Kevin’s reaction, “The final Shanty turned out awesome. It was great to see the design we put together now turned into the real structure, and it was even better to see local children interacting with the exhibit.”

Our team at Drexel jumped onboard the vision, and was thrilled to donated materials for several of the Shanty’s featured including the others pictured below.

An Evening to Remember…

The Museum Staff kicked-off their presentation explaining how the idea for this outdoor space started when they decided to move locations, the museum went through and thanked all the local volunteers and donors. During the slide show, the museum included pictures that featured a Drexel Building Supply driver in front of our truck and at that time they thanked Drexel for all the material that was donated.

CMFDL Mission

The mission of the Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac is to create hands-on learning experiences through interactive exhibits and educational programs that will engage children and their caregivers in the partnership of learning through play.

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