Fabulous Flooring at The Campbellsport Library - Drexel Building Supply

Fabulous Flooring at The Campbellsport Library

Local Community – Working Hand in Hand

The Campbellsport Library brought their business to our Drexel Team to help update the library! What they didn’t know was that in turn for their appreciated business, Drexel planned to donate back to the library to support this local project in the community. 

Continuing to Supply.Happiness. in the Community

Drexel Team Member Julie Auchue did a fantastic job with the new flooring! She was also able to present the donation to the library along with Stephanie Klotz and Store Leader; Todd Flitter after the project was complete. If you haven’t stopped in the Campbellsport Library, go check it out! Drexel was happy to be apart of this local project!

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