Carleen Widder - Drexel Building Supply

Carleen Widder


Yesterday I stopped to my cottage at Crystal Lake to pick something up that was needed for the weekend.
The entrance to the private road was blocked by one of your trucks due to low clearance and a narrow pathway. You have a young man working for you that immediately asked if me if he should move the truck off to the side to allow me to access the road. I was only there for a short time, so it was no problem for me to walk the short distance to the cottage but I might ask his help if my item was too heavy for me to carry. He stated that that wouldn’t be a problem.
In fact, as he saw me carrying the item later he asked if he could help carry or even open my trunk for me.

I write this quick note to tell you how impressed I was with the quality manners of that young man. “Yes ma’am” and “thank you ma’am”. Wow!

Just wanted to let you know what a wonderful representative he is of your company! What a great impression he has made.

I do not know this young man’s name, but it is a great lesson for all employees.
If you know who I am talking about, please let him know what a great job he is doing!

Have a great weekend!

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